Guiding you to break free from self-limitation via sexual liberation, spiritual evolution, and abundance consciousness.

I believe that healing and reclaiming your sexuality is at the root of inner wholeness, alignment, and self-realization. I am on a mission to guide people with pussies on the sacred journey of cultivating an embodied sense of radiance, magnetism, and liberation through the exploration of their own pleasure and power.

Temple of Bloom is an intimate 10-week initiation to empower you to unapologetically embody your authentic expression, unleash the power of your sexual energy, and awaken a profound connection to your body, intuition, & sensuality.

My signature methodology fuses together my deep understanding of both the physical and the metaphysical. I provide tools, rituals, embodiment practices, supportive space holding, and teachings that are rooted in science and Tantra to address all levels of Self - the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

This VIP coaching container will initiate you into aligning with your purpose and true essence, owning your worth, radiating confidence, calling in abundance, and feeling more ALIVE.

Because luscious, soul-shaking pleasure is your birthright.

Join the waitlist for early 2022 & be the first to know when the Temple doors open!


Join the waitlist for early 2022 & be the first to know when the Temple doors open again!


This is for YOU if:


  • You want to stop giving a shit about what other people think and start to unapologetically express your truth.
  • You're sick of feeling "meh" and want to wake up feeling inspired and turned on.
  • You're done with people-pleasing and living according to the expectations of others.
  • You want to tap into your sexual energy for enhanced creativity, healing, pleasure, and feminine receptivity.
  • You want to eat your shame, fear, guilt, insecurity, and self-doubt for breakfast instead of allowing it to control your life.
  • You want your sexuality to feel like a delicious and soulful extension of your Truth, instead of just something to be used, to please or manipulate others with, or to exchange for validation.
  • You may be experiencing numbness, pain, disconnect, or awkwardness during intimacy.
  • You want to become a magnet for your desires, attracting the people and opportunities you deserve.
  • You want to stop criticizing yourself and become your own best friend.
  • You want to be a part of a nourishing, witchy, and expansive community of like-minded pussy owners who are devoted to soul growth and sexual empowerment.
  • You desire to be a clear and decisive channel, aligning confidently with your life purpose and taking inspired action to consciously create this reality.

If this is you, you know. And you are exactly who this program was created for.


Your blooming includes:

Signature Method

Nadine's unique six-phase method will guide you to reclaim your sexuality as your greatest source of power, feel as if you are making love to life itself, and truly be at home within your beautiful, divine body.

Direct Support

You will have weekly coaching calls (six 1:1 calls & four group calls), an intimate community support network, plus direct private access to a communication channel with support from Nadine.

Online Learning Portal

You will gain lifetime access to the entire curriculum through the Online Learning Portal, including any new content released in the future. 

When you own your innate worthiness of pleasure, this powerful reclamation ripples into all other areas of life.


When you own your innate worthiness of pleasure, this powerful reclamation ripples into all other areas of life.


The Journey

Phase 1: Sacred Homecoming

Inner wholeness and integration of the Self are sustainable when rooted in self-love, self-care, and self-honoring. In this phase, you set the foundation for a deeply nourishing relationship with your body, create a sacred space both internally and externally, and begin to explore and worship your temple in new ways. You'll dive into pleasure anatomy, self-adoration, and alchemizing emotions of shame, guilt, fear, and insecurity - all while coming home to yourself.



Phase 2: Erotic Awakening

This phase will guide you to peel back the layers of conditioning, limiting beliefs, and false stories of what your sexuality "should" look and feel like, empowering you to rewrite your own sexual narrative and sense of Self. You will reconnect with your inner child, learn to hold and heal yourself through emotional clearing, and explore your sexuality through the lens of innocence and playfulness.

Phase 3: Embodied Sensuality

You are worthy and capable of ecstatic pleasure. This phase will take you on a journey of resensitizing yourself to your sensual nature, activating your voice, healing through intuitive movement, seducing life itself, and clearly identifying your needs, likes, dislikes, and desires. You will learn to deeply listen to the wisdom of your body through the felt sense.

Phase 4: Core Essence

This phase will lead you deeper into rewilding, reclaiming, unleashing, and unraveling. You will journey to your own underworld, shining a light on what has been left in the dark and allowing it to now be loved and integrated. Through a gentle dearmoring ritual, you will be guided to release the traumas and stagnancies that have been imprinted in the body, liberating yourself from that which no longer serves you and becoming more intimate with the Truth of who you came here to be.

Phase 5: Magick & Magnetism

There is so much power found in the Remembrance of your inner magick. You will be guided through mystical practices to activate your spiritual connection, strengthen your intuition, and align your energy with the reality you desire. You will also learn about cyclical living, sex magick, womb wisdom, manifestation, wealth consciousness, and the profound connection between sexual healing and financial abundance.

Phase 6: Sex Goddess

You are now owning your potential and embodying your true expression. In this phase, we will focus on integration, surrender, full-body transcendental orgasm, heart-centered and intuitive living, and harnessing your sexual energy to unleash creativity, self-expression, confidence, and purpose. You'll have the tools to take empowered action in life, reunite with lost parts of yourself, release self-sabotaging patterns, create deeper intimacy in all of your relationships, stand firmly in your worth, and cultivate a more secure sense of inner wholeness.

Are you ready to become a clear channel for your purpose and fall madly in love with your unique sexual essence?


If you're ready to become a clear channel for your purpose and fall madly in love with your unique sexual essence...


Meet your guide


Hi love, I'm Nadine - Sacred Sexuality Healing Guide, Pleasure Witch, & Creatrix of Soul Nectar Podcast.

My passion for pussy liberation and sexual reclamation is deep-rooted. I knew from a young age that my mission in this lifetime is to be a disruptor, especially in relation to women’s empowerment, pleasure activism, and dismantling colonization and the patriarchy. I love nothing more than activating something within others that cracks their heart open and awakens them to the Truth of their own power, pleasure, and potential.

Through a heart-wrenching “dark night of the soul,” the healing of my own sexual traumas, traveling solo around the world, and many synchronistic events that led me to more deeply connect with my pussy and womb, I was guided directly to my purpose and current path. I no longer view my sexuality as transactional, triggering, or something to hide, but rather as an empowering, spiritual, and integral part of what makes me, me. My own journey has ignited me from ashamed, insecure, and directionless to freely expressed, purpose-driven, radical self-love, and orgasmic living.

I am dedicated to sharing this sacred work of interdimensional self-healing and spiritual alignment through the context of sexuality, as I believe (& have experienced for myself) that it cuts directly to the root of so many of our issues and blockages in life.

My methodology recognizes that you do not need to be healed, saved, "fixed," or transformed by anyone else. All that you could ever need or learn is already within you. My job is simply to walk by your side as we unravel all that's been keeping you from your true Self. Our work together is a collaboration and partnership to activate your highest alignment.


Nonexhaustive List of Formal Credentials & Training:

 650-hour Sex, Love, & Relationship Coaching Certification, Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality (completing in 2021)

Light Leaders Academy Graduate

Soul Business Mentorship with Grace Hazel

Womb Sciences Immersion Graduate, Womben Wellness

 Akashic Records Practitioner, The Akashic Records Institute

 13th Octave LaHoChi Energy Healing Certification, MINKA

 Empowerment through Pleasure Graduate, The Pleasure Studio

 Vipassana Meditation Course Graduate, Dhamma Pubbananda

 Flower Essence Therapy Training, The Wild Temple

 Psychic Development Intensive, MINKA

 Sexual Health Education Training, Peace Corps

 BA in Women’s & Gender Studies and Communication, The College of New Jersey

What people are saying about Nadine's one-on-one work...

"I FELT SEEN. This experience was more emotional than I anticipated and therefore that much more healing. In my session with Nadine, she brought these long suppressed feelings and experiences to light, validated me as human, and allowed me to begin loving myself fully and forgiving myself. I never thought someone could know and understand my deepest struggles without being inside my head, but Nadine did. I can feel that a weight has lifted since my session with Nadine. and I have begun the process of self-forgiveness with Nadine’s direction & support. She is truly amazing. I felt so comfortable, cared for, and listened to." - Sydney 

"My session with Nadine was absolutely amazing and exactly what I was needing. It felt so good to get confirmation and clarity on who I am and what gifts I have to offer. I feel more empowered to step into my authentic expression. I feel like I can trust myself and my intuition on a deeper level now, and that means everything to me. I am so grateful!" - Morgan

"Working with Nadine was so beautiful. Nadine is open and loving and respected the challenges I brought to her and made sure that I felt that all of my questions were answered without any judgment. The [energy] reading itself helped me understand so many patterns in my life and gave me peace around some specific patterns that have caused hurt for years. I highly recommend working with Nadine." - Reid 

"I had an incredible experience with Nadine—she truly is gifted! Part of what I learned is that I no longer need to doubt myself and the meaning of my life path. It’s like a weight has been lifted. Her readings are astonishingly accurate and specific and she does a great job of teasing out the lessons we seek to learn from the Akashic Records. I will definitely be working with her again in the future!" - Rayne

"The reading with Nadine helped me see patterns I wouldn’t have known how to overcome. My experience was extremely positive and very helpful. I learned the reasons why I do things and how to avoid making the same mistakes. I would recommend the session to a friend, it was a life-changing experience for me. Nadine is a natural healer, her gentleness is very soothing and comforting." - Judy

10 soulful weeks of personalized coaching that will guide you to deeply transform your relationship with yourself, ignite your sensuality, and reclaim your inner fire.


A like-minded community devoted to spiritual growth, sexual empowerment, and CELEBRATING you every step of the way.


An online portal filled with exclusive content, embodiment practices, and extra guidance.


Private text support from Nadine throughout your journey.



Questions? I have answers:

Imagine yourself...


  • Feeling secure, confident, and rooted in your sense of Self.
  • No longer censoring or fragmenting yourself, but showing up as ALL of you in every relationship and situation.
  • Cultivating relationships that are meaningful, intimate, conscious, and sacred.
  • Being in the driver's seat of your own life instead of waiting for someone to tell you what to do.
  • Easily getting out of your head and into your body.
  • Having a strong and nourishing connection to your body, soul, sexuality, and sensuality.
  • Having clarity on your core needs, desires, and boundaries - AND communicating them effectively.
  • Feeling comfortable releasing control, receiving, and surrendering so that life (& orgasmic pleasure) can flow through you with ease.
  • Connecting with, strengthening, and TRUSTING your intuition and body's wisdom.
  • Having a relationship with money that feels more like a fun, sexy lover instead of a source of worry and confusion.

If you've made it this far, I'd bet you're here for a reason. The world needs you in full bloom - activated, empowered, & confidently sharing your gifts.

Claim your pleasure. Claim your power. Claim your destiny.