How to confidently express your sexual needs, boundaries, and desires *WITHOUT* people-pleasing, silencing your truth, or outsourcing responsibility for your pleasure...


So you can find your authentic voice and communicate your truth from a place of love, congruence, and empowerment in intimacy.

In this free video training, you will learn:

  • Why you might sexually fawn, perform, people-please, and hide your true feelings & needs during intimacy (and how to playfully EMBRACE your inner people-pleaser).
  • How a trauma response impacts your ability to know what you want (on a somatic, neurological, & nervous system level).
  • 3 simple, yet life-changing somatic tools to establish inner safety, identify what your body wants and needs, own your "yes" and "no," and communicate your desires with more clarity, love, and ease.
  • How early childhood "attachment" imprinting affects our adult romantic relationships, and how to create new intimacy patterns.
  • How to have sex that expands you into new, empowered versions of yourself.
  • The anatomy of sexual confidence & erotic wholeness.



  • The Empowered Lover video training will be released via email on 11/11 at 11:11am EST.
  • You will have free access to the training until the beginning of January 2025.

Ready to own what you actually want and have "I feel like the entire f**king Universe is making love to me" levels of intimacy?


The Empowered Lover training will be released in...









Listen, love...

(Because I wish someone told me this many years ago)

Sex does not have to feel like it’s happening TO you.

Sex does NOT have to be filled with tolerating, enduring, settling, transacting, repeating habitual behavior, stewing in low self-worth, or biting your tongue.

Eroticism and intimacy have the potential to be the most meaningful, healing, and transformative spiritual experiences of our lives – and you are worthy of accessing such ecstatic states of connection, pleasure, and expansion.

You, yes YOU, have permission to want more.

To claim more.

And it starts with:

1) Identifying, owning, and communicating exactly what you want.

2) Feeling safe, secure, whole, and worthy enough within yourself and your body to do so.


Does this sound familiar...

Your partner comes up behind you as you’re washing the dishes, kissing your neck and squeezing your hips as they slowly pull you in the direction of the bedroom.

Logically, you know this is what people would kill for.

This is… “the dream.”

And yet, you feel frozen. Tense.

Dare I say… repulsed?

This attempted act of affection, desire, and connection only leaves you wanting SPACE.

And yet, you feel unable to squeak out a word.

Too guilty to hurt your lovely partner’s feelings or be perceived as inadequate, broken, distant, or “never in the mood.”

“I should feel grateful. What’s wrong with me?? Why am I so turned off? Why does this always happen?”

So you swallow your feelings and go along with it – tense, distracted, and dissociated throughout the 4-minute ordeal.

Bitter and resentful that sex feels like something you “put up with” instead of a source of real joy and connection in the relationship, and mad at yourself for being entirely confused about how to change this pattern or WHERE to even start.

Your partner technically hasn't done anything to make you feel unsafe in this moment.

So you’re left wondering, “Why does my body feel so unsafe, frozen, and triggered, as if I need to pull away?”

Or maybe this is you...

You convincingly promise yourself, “THIS TIME I’m going to wait to have sex. I want to get to know the people I’m dating on deeper emotional levels before being physically intimate. I want to break this pattern of rushing.”

That same night…

Your semi-bland new Bumble date drives you home after a flirty sushi dinner and walks you to your front door when you hear the habitual words, “Want to come in for a glass of wine?” innocently slip out of your mouth… as if someone else was saying it and you were just there witnessing.

One thing leads to the next and you wake up the following morning with clothes sprawled across the floor and a naked stranger snoring to your left.

“Ugh. I was not a full yes to this. Every step felt reluctant. But how do I KNOW what a full yes even feels like or what I want in the moment? It feels so much better when someone else tells me what I should want and what's right.”

Followed by...

“I feel like an outsider in my own body, as if I’m riding in the passenger seat of my life and relationships.”


You recognize how scared you feel to say "no" - believing that it would somehow make you undesirable, unlovable, "not enough," or that they would abandon you if you didn't say yes to everything…

Even when it’s your own body.

Sex has played a role in your life of being a value transaction (i.e. "If you desire me then I’ll give you what you want").

And you now want to reclaim sex as a truly empowering experience of spirituality, liberation, healing, expansion, and intimacy…

Rather than as a performance, transaction, or way of manipulating people to stick around longer and give you attention.

Inside of Empowered Lover, you'll learn the foundational tools to start easefully expressing your sexual needs & desires while feeling whole, confident, congruent, and secure within yourself.


Love notes from past offerings -

When my client 'Lily' came to me...

She explained how she always felt like a deer in headlights whenever she was asked, “What do you want?”

She didn't understand why such a seemingly simple question triggered so much frustration, dissociation, and confusion, leaving her feeling "foggy and blank."

Lily's desires felt distant, vague, and like they weren't truly hers.

When she was on her own, she fully believed, "I would never tolerate bad sex or anything less than my worth. Of course I will speak up for my boundaries and needs."

But whenever she actually entered a romantic relationship or sexual encounter...

She'd find herself back in the pattern of people-pleasing, doubting her boundaries, and convincing herself,

"Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe this is as good as it gets. It's not even worth it to bring up this issue - I'm probably making it up. Let's just keep the peace and avoid any conflict."

Through working together with an integrative somatic approach that addresses the deeper root (the unconscious, nervous system, soul, and body’s intelligence),


She now...

  • Is having “the best sex of her life” by checking in with her body every step of the way & no longer fixating on sucking in her belly, contorting her expression to accommodate the comfort of others, or mentally spiraling over how she's perceived.


  • Quit her unaligned job, left an unsupportive relationship, moved across the continent, and started a new life with her "I can't believe I'm actually GOING FOR THIS" career after finally giving herself permission to own what she truly wants.


  • Messaged me saying, “Every day I wake up feeling like I am living my dream.”


  • Has devoted herself to a sexual self-care practice that helps her source pleasure and fulfillment from within, while intimately learning the language of her arousal, eroticism, and true "yes" and "no."

What if it was possible to:

  • Have your partner gaze at you in total awe after a hot lovemaking session with a huge toothy smile on their face, “What’s gotten into you?? That was incredible. We were so connected. I felt you HERE with me. Your wildness and pleasure were turning me on more and more, like an endless feedback loop. I love how you showed me exactly what you like so I don’t have to guess or wonder what you want.”


  • Immediately speak up for your body's needs when your new lover starts finger blasting you like a fucking power drill when you are not even CLOSE to ready for penetration or direct vaginal stimulation - and therefore lovingly steer the experience back to what genuinely feels self-honoring, nourishing, connected, and utterly delicious. A full-body YES. 


  • When your partner goes down on you and asks, “How does that feel?” and it’s not quiiiiiite right… rather than ignoring your truth and squeaking back, “Yeah, so good, babe!”... you take a deep breath, tune into your pussy’s actual desires, and seductively respond, “Mmm you know what I really love? When you do that thing with your tongue where you gently lick and suck my clit upwards, teasing me while slowly entering me in and out with your finger. Ohhh and it drives me wild when you look into my eyes, so I can really feel you here with me. Yessss exactly like that! Oh my god.” You speak your biggest desires with confidence, clarity, excitement, and playfulness.


  • No longer convince yourself: 1) That discomfort during sex is something you "should" tolerate, 2) That your pain is not as important as making sure THEY are comfortable, 3) That you’ll "ruin" the moment or make things awkward, 4) That your safety depends on self-abandonment and being perceived as perfect, desirable, or a martyr. Your intimacy is now centered around pleasure, authenticity, play, courage, presence, connection, truth, and love.

Learn the foundational tools to express your sexual needs & desires from an embodied place of wholeness, confidence, alignment, and security within yourself.

Enter your details below to receive the free training on 11/11!

Your info will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Hi love, I'm Nadine Hamilton.

Certified Integrative Sex & Embodiment Coach | Somatic Intimacy Educator | Host of The Sensuous

My fierce passion for pussy liberation and sexual reclamation is deep-rooted. I knew from a young age that my mission in this lifetime is to be a disruptor and permission slip, especially in relation to women’s empowerment, pleasure activism, and dismantling internalized shame & repression.

I love nothing more than activating something within others that cracks their heart open and awakens them to their true divine essence.

Through a heart-wrenching “dark night of the soul,” the healing of my own sexual traumas, traveling solo around the world for most of the last 10 years, and many synchronistic events that led me to more deeply connect with my pussy and womb, I was guided directly to my purpose and current path. I no longer view my sexuality as transactional, triggering, goal-oriented, performative, or something to hide, but rather as an incredibly empowering, spiritual, and integral part of what makes me, me. My own journey has ignited me from ashamed, scarcity-minded, self-conscious, and directionless to freely expressed, purpose-driven, radically self-loving, and orgasmic living.

I am dedicated to sharing this sacred work of holistic self-healing through the context of sexuality, as I believe (& have experienced for myself) that it cuts directly to the root of so many of our issues and blockages in life.

My methodology recognizes that you do not need to be healed, saved, "fixed," or transformed by anyone else. All that you could ever need or learn is already within you. My job is simply to walk by your side as we unravel all that's been keeping you from your deep inner wisdom, wild capacity for pleasure, and radiant, creative, authentic Self.

Desiring to feel deeper into my energy?

Check out my links and current offerings here!


Questions? I have answers.

Your pleasure matters.

Your voice matters.

Your desires matter.

Your true, raw, honest, heartfelt self-expression MATTERS.

... What would change in your life if you fully believed, claimed, and embodied these words? What would you get to experience? Who would you get to be?

We cannot show up to our full potential in our relationships, work, creativity, and lives when we are depleted, self-sacrificing, and constricting the truth of what we want and need.

In a world that trains most women to pretzel ourselves into what's palatable, acceptable, accommodating, and nonthreatening...

A woman who owns her sexuality, her pleasure, her fiery desires, her needs, and her truth -

Is a woman who owns her life.

Sign up for Empowered Lover to join a radical movement of conscious relating, liberated expression, and claiming our innate worthiness.